An Open letter To my Baby Sister.
Right now you're four years old. You're going to be five in August, as you tell me every single day. There is 17 years between us, and that is huge but so is my love for you. You know exactly get on my last nerve, you know exactly how to make me sad and happy, you know just how to wiggle your way into my soft spot so you get what you want. As much as i say i'm going to call the boogeyman when you're misbehaved, and how i say i'll leave you in the shop when you have a tantrum, i never would. Even if the boogeyman was real, i'd never call. You're the most intelligent little girl I've ever met, and of course that's biased. When Mom was pregnant, i was sad. Sad because i was the youngest, and i felt that i'd be forgotten but that isn't the case.
Mommy and Auntie Heather will be your best friends. They're examples of the woman you will be when you're older. Strong, and independent. With them you can truly conquer anything! Nanny is the reason they are so great. Right now, you're a sassy little lady. Who I've mistakenly taught how to roll her eyes, and be sarcastic. BIG. MISTAKE. But i love you. You're truly a mini me. You're the most loving, and annoying little thing but i would not change you. You have taught me so many things just by being here. Even though i complain about your little tantrums, and baby sitting. I wouldn't change you or those moments. One day i can terrorise you with these memories! I'm excited to gradually see you get older, and i love seeing you learn. I hope i can continue to be someone you look up to, and be a good big sister. Thank you for showing me that change can be good.
I've earned this new responsibility. Your big sister. You fill my heart with joy when you tell me you want to be like me, even when i feel like i'm failing as an adult. If i ever wanted my life to stop, you'd be one of the reasons i'd keep going. I never understood the importance of being an older sibling until i met you. I mean, we have our big brother. I know you hate when he winds you up, but that is just him! Trust me. He will teach you so many things, and he'll always be there for you. All he taught me was how to lose at Black Jack! Haha. You'll dislike him when you're a teenager and you feel misunderstood, but that'll all change when you being to understand life and family. Daddy will teach you that men can be good. He'll be the first man you'll love, along with your big brother. (Yes, i know you love your boyfriend, Daniel!) He'll teach you things too. He'll take you on adventures, he'll cuddle you when you're sad, he might get frustrated with you sometimes, but we are annoying as kids. Sometimes parents frustration is just another way of loving and caring for us. Even when I've been upset with Daddy, I've forgotten the next day. Plus he loves to annoy me! Nanny will show you the beauty of life, how to be independent, how to forgive, and how to move forward from things. She will help you get through the worst hurdles in life, she has with me. She'll be one of the best women you'll ever meet. Along with her sisters. The greatest women. The glue of our big family really. You have so many cousins, (Yes, that means Daniel and Leighton!) You'll never be stuck, EVER! There's always going to be someone you can count on.

- Your Big Sister.
Truly pure and magical this entry is absolutely beautiful, your writing is incredible and you possess a true gift with words, never stop writing.